Friday 29 June 2012

Rock Star Daughters

Rock Star Daughters

Georgia May Jagger / Daisy Lowe / Frances Cobain / Tali Lennox / Pixie and Peaches Gekdof / Lourdes Leon / Miley Cyrus / Kelly Osbourne

Being the daughter of a Rock Star would be for many girls (including myself!) the idea of heaven! Let alone growing up in a house you are surrounded by music, industry type people and have the networking skills to rival many, you would also inherit the style traits, and in many cases the waredrobes, of your famous parents. Since Rock music errupted into the more mainstream audiences and music and fashion have collided, there has been a whole generation of girls with rockstar parents that have grown into beautiful women with impeccable, alternative style that mixes high fashion sophistication, with the harder, grungier influences of their parents careers. These ladies are proof that when it comes to rock star fashion sense, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

All the women here are fashion influences to me to some extent. While some I have been aware of for a fairly long time, such as Daisy Lowe and Kelly Osbourne, others are quite new to me and their styles are all so interesting and fashion foreward that they interest me greatly. While the younger generation, like Miley and Lourdes, are just finding their fashion feet and emerging as style icons, the older fashionistas are firming their places among the front rows of Fashion Weeks and style red carpets world wide. Collaborations with designers, musicians and front covers of thousands of magazines combined, these daughters of Rockstars are definitely a force to be reckoned with!


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