Tuesday 1 January 2013

No one ever tells you that forever feels like home

2012 has been an incredible year for me. It honestly feels like the whole year went in a month. So many things happened, some not so good, but on the whole it was an amazing year.

Looking back to the start of 2012, I cannot believe how far I have come. I am incredibly excited for what 2013 may hold. I started 2012 a student, with a broken foot and bright red hair. I was planning to study English Literature at Goldsmiths. I guess at that time, I really didn't know what I wanted to be when I eventually grow up. In many ways, I still don't. But I am so glad that I did not go to University in September. I have learnt so much through not going and I have figured out what I want to do now. Starting 2013, I am an intern for an amazing company. Although the red still peaks through my brown hair, so much has changed. I know the career path I want to follow and have my foot in the door to do so. My style, I feel, has evolved (with the help of a regular income!) and I feel able to be myself and express this through my fashion and beauty choices daily. I write almost every day, which I adore! 

I started my blog in May as I was regularly reading fashion blogs, and I've always wanted to become a Fashion Journalist and not just because of 'The Devil Wears Prada' or 'The Hills'. I genuinely love writing and fashion, so combining the two is my perfect career. I figured that this blog could be my little space on the internet to express my opinions on fashion, as well as my own personal style. I feel now I've got the hang of it, although my aim for next year is most definitely to post more regularly and New Years Resolution is to do some Outfit of The Day posts and show you all what I wear instead of what I want to wear, such as my monthly wish lists. I also am giving myself more time to shop and I expand my ever growing wardrobe, especially picking up more vintage pieces and visiting more markets and charity shops (also, I want to over ruling my aversion to spending money, which as a fashion enthusiast seems weird!) I am incredibly greatful for every single page view I get, each time I see a new batch of views I get so excited and proud that people are interested in what I write.
My blog has led to me being The Upcoming's Blog of the Day, and helped me become a contributer to Men's Fashion Magazine. I love running this blog and seeing all the amazing other blogs and speaking to other bloggers. The blogging sphere provides me with daily inspiration and also, aspirations. As I see many of you working with such amazing brands/people and visiting so many exciting events, it gives me hope that my little blog might help me to one day do the same.

Company's January issue was all about blogging. Although everyone and their cats are blogging nowadays, I feel this only enhances the magic and power that blogging and bloggers have on this world, and in particular, on the fashion world. The effect of this will undoubtly have a huge impact on the fashion industry, building on its existing impact, such as bloggers collaborating with brands. Blogging has made people famous and let people work with or meet people they previously only dreamt of.  

I am so thankful for my wonderful family and friends who have supported my blog and published work. Especially my Mum, who takes great pride telling pretty much everyone about my blog. I also want to thank my boyfriend, Jason, who has always encouraged me and has vowed to be my photographer this year for my outfit posts. Without the support of all these people, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I cannot wait to see where my blog will take me, and have some amazing posts planned for this year, so stay tuned!

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